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Skills and Knowledge to Last a Lifetime, Build a Business, or Tell Your Stories. I'll show you how.

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Digi Beginner's Bundle
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3 Course Bundle
Digi Intermediate Bundle
The intermediate guide to digital scrapbooking. 2 intermediate classes in one bundle!
2 Course Bundle
A Week-by-Week album You'll Make Throughout the Year!
Jessica Sprague
View All Courses

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Learn to create (and share!) scrapbook pages like never before. Even if you aren't a "scrapbooker," you'll be amazed at the gorgeous projects you'll create.


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Learn to create (and share!) scrapbook pages like never before. Even if you aren't a "scrapbooker," you'll be amazed at the gorgeous projects you'll create.

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Digital Albums

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Build Creative Confidence

From the very first lesson, you'll be creating on your own. Make the projects with me, and stretch those wings!


I'm a Designer. Author. Teacher. (Also: a mom). 15+ years of Photoshop experience. And I can make a mean PBJ.

Gorgeous Projects

Truth: Learning Photoshop is all about the ability to make really cute stuff. Check out the classes! Mission accomplished.

Step-by-Step Help

Watch the videos. Download the PDF step guides. Ask & answer questions in our community. You'll get all the help you need, when you need it. And you're gonna love it here.

Anywhere Access

Your class never expires. Learn when and where you choose! Grab the bev of your choice and dive in!

Made with Love.

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-Amelia S.

Create Your Story
  • Founded in June 2007, JessicaSprague.com is the home of the world's best online classes and products for digital crafters. Learn more about Jessica.
  • Jessica's Blog
  • Tour the Site
  • mxvpm官网
  • User Community
  • Submit a Support Request
  • Digital Scrapbooking
  • Photo Editing
  • Photoshop Techniques
  • mxvpm官网
  • Snap Click Supply
  • Adobe Software Trials
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